China Joe Must Go

With evidence showing the Biden family being paid by a Chinese energy company controlled by the CCP, why is Joe Biden still president?

Joe Biden is an asset of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

With the recent revelations of bank statements showing millions of dollars paid to the Biden family from a Chinese energy company (ultimately controlled by the CCP, as all organizations in China are), there are no longer any doubts about where Joe’s allegiances lie.

Joe Biden Is Compromised

No excuses by the mainstream media can change that reality.

As an asset on the payroll of a foreign government–and a hostile one at that–Joe is compromised must be removed from the White House immediately.

It’s a matter of nothing less than national security. A corrupt president can’t be the president of the people, by the people and for the American people if he’s also wholly owned and operated by the People’s Republic of China.

That isn’t a new revelation, by the way.

Joe’s China Connection–An Open Secret Denied by Media, Big Tech and U.S. Intelligence Agencies

Joe’s multimillion-dollar business deals with China have been an open secret for years. So, apparently, has his un-American viewpoints.

But the mainstream media and Big Tech social media colluded to suppress, ignore, deny, censor and lie about Biden’s deep involvement in global business dealings with China and other U.S. adversaries.

The American mainstream media and the Big Tech social media channels don’t care about the Biden administration’s treachery and betrayal. Neither do America’s intelligence agencies, particularly the FBI. In fact, they protected Joe Biden’s national betrayal before, during and after the 2020 election.

2022 Congressional Oversight Report is Damning

According to the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Reform report of November 17, 2022:

“President Joe Biden has participated in his family’s global business ventures with America’s adversaries. He has misused his public positions to further his family’s financial interests. These actions have created the potential for President Biden to be susceptible to influence, blackmail, or extortion by a malign or foreign entity, including the Chinese Communist Party.”

Sadly, we still can’t get most of the truth of the laptop scandal from U.S. media. You have to go to Australian media and other sources.

It’s now known that the FBI fed the media outlets complete lies about the laptop belonging to a Russian attempt at election influence rather than the truth. In fact, 51 “intelligence professionals” signed a letter portraying the laptop as illegitimate.

 FBI Corruption and the The FBI and other agencies also coordinated censorship of the truth across the media spectrum. All of these organizations seem to be controlled by the Democrat party and the CCP (which is seeming more like a distinction without a difference with each passing day), rather than defending America. Traitorous swine one and all.

Hunter Biden’s laptop, for example, is revealing a trove damning evidence of just how corrupt, amoral, depraved and the entire First Family truly is, and starting with “the big guy” himself, Joe Biden. Hunter Biden’s ongoing 10% ownership of a $2.1 billion Chinese investment firm cannot be separated from Joe Biden’s position as U.S. president.

The contents of Hunter’s laptop, which have been verified (years after the FBI knew it) as completely legitimate, include emails, photos and other evidence of China payoffs, illicit drug use, money laundering, human trafficking, underage sex and more.

Again, from the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Reform report of November 17, 2022:

“A review of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, as well as information from whistleblowers, reveals a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, national security risks, and political cover-ups. Biden family members used their connections with Joe Biden to enrich themselves through the expectation of access to Joe Biden and promises about what a future Biden Administration might do for them. There are numerous unanswered questions raised by these suspicious activities that warrant further investigation.”

The fact is that neither Joe nor Hunter Biden have any plausible deniability left. It will be up to the American media and intelligence services to muddy the waters and shield the Biden administration from any fallout, as they’ve done from the very beginning.

China Joe Delivers for Beijing in Spades

What has the CCP gained from their guy in the White House?

The short answer is, “almost everything.”

For example, when the CCP was threatening Hong Kong, President Trump explicitly tied the imposition of tariffs to Beijing’s actions in Hong Kong.

All that changed when Biden took office. Shortly thereafter, Hong Kong was taken over by China without any consequences. Hong Kong’s freedoms were gone with nary a word from Biden or the media that so blatantly protects him.

The Biden administration’s response to China launching the COVID pandemic on the world was non-existent, except for the administration banning blaming China for the pandemic.

 The Biden administration’s rewriting of technology patent rules that eliminate protection of American innovations and hands them over to China is another benefit that Biden has given Beijing.

As the Center for Strategic and International Studies describes it, “devaluing U.S. patents is akin to a subsidized tech transfer to China." China and its companies, Pomper says, would be the "biggest beneficiaries" if the Draft Policy were implemented as written. In practice, the Draft Policy, by removing consequences for criminality, is a big green light for China to steal even more U.S. technology.”

Furthermore, the Center says, the Biden administration’s Draft Policy "has the potential to do significant damage to the United States' innovation engine and, by extension, to its national security...The largest short-term and long-term beneficiaries of the 2021 Draft Policy Statement are firms based in China."

But not it’s not just Joe, but members of his family as well, and that extends well beyond Joe’s drug addled son, Hunter.

At the very least, the Biden family is a crime family. At the worst, the Biden family, and Joe in particular, have betrayed the United States of America.

Joe Biden has got to go...

To jail.


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